D. May 2022
Excited to announce an exhibition during Oxford Art Week to celebrate 15 years of Diamond Light Source delivering world leading science and innovation...
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D. April 2022
Just finished a interesting project at the Rosalind Franklin Institute, their aim is to discover new medicines and diagnostics advancing microbial and...
D. September 2021
Great to be back on the large science projects, just completed shoots on 4 beam lines at the Diamond Light Source Harwell. It works as a giant micros...
D. April 2021
At last back on location with Vision Engineering, a regular client who are world leader in 3D microscopes. I'm quite pleased with the volume of...
D. December 2020
What a year!! although commissioned photography has been disrupted It was great to see Pfizer using my imagery to illustrate their research into the C...
D. June 2020
As life slowly returns to a new normal, we are now back open for new work both in the studio and on location. Please be assured we will be following...
Please email Andrew if you would like to view and use examples of his photography for presentation purposes.
E. andrew@andrewbrookes.co.uk
P. 01491 638772
M. 07831 814643
F. facebook
The Loft, Chequers Lane, Cadmore End, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP14 3PH